Thursday 14 February 2008

Spanish conference (5-3-08): Pedro Almodovar

The most internationally acclaimed Spanish filmmaker since Luis Buñuel was born in a small town (Calzada de Calatrava) in the impoverished Spanish region of La Mancha. He arrived in Madrid in 1968, and survived by selling used items in the flea-market called El Rastro. Almodóvar couldn't study filmmaking because he didn't have the money to afford it. Besides, the filmmaking schools were closed in early 70s by Franco's government. Instead, he found a job in the Spanish phone company and saved his salary to buy a Super 8 camera. From 1972 to 1978, he devoted himself to make short films with the help of of his friends. The "premieres" of those early films were famous in the rapidly growing world of the Spanish counter-culture. In few years, Almodóvar became a star of "La Movida", the pop cultural movement of late 70s Madrid. The "Almodóvar phenomenon" has reached all over the world, making his films very popular in many countries.

Si la conferencia ha hecho despertar tu interes por el trabajo de éste director de cine, pasate por el departamento de Español y toma prestada un de sus películas!

Una vez que hayas visto la pelicula, comparte tus opiniones / comentarion con nosotros!

Si quieres saber mas sobre Pedro Almodovar, HAZ CLIC AQUÍ

Información sobre su vida y su obra:

Read this doc on Scribd: Pedro Almodovar

1 comment:

Espanol said..." Volver" no es una comedia surrealista, aunque en ocasiones lo parezca. Vivos y muertos conviven sin estridencias, provocando situaciones hilarantes o de una emoción intensa y genuina. Es una película sobre la cultura de la muerte en mi Mancha natal. Mis paisanos la viven con una naturalidad admirable. El modo en que los muertos continúan presentes en sus vidas, la riqueza y humanidad de sus ritos hace que los muertos no mueran nunca.
“Volver” destruye los tópicos de la España negra y propone una España tan real como opuesta. Una España blanca, espontánea, divertida, intrépida, solidaria y justa.